980514 - A strong, negative-tilt wave and large convective instability were present in western Oklahoma and NW Texas. We feared the dynamics would favor a squall line and not supercells. We were right, and chose to abort the intercept shortly after convection was initiated. The combination of late day, low visibilities from smoke, and a squall line made intercepts difficult. TAMU launched a rawinsonde near Clinton, Oklahoma, early in the afternoon. TAMU and NSSL1 launched two rawinsondes from Erick, Oklahoma, for intercomparison of sondes. NSSL1 launched a rawinsonde south of Childress, Texas, shortly after gust front passage. PROBE vehicles crossed the dry line numerous times doing east-west traverses along I-40 and again while travelling south on US-83 towards Childress. Dewpoints dropped from 15-17C to 9C in 6-12 seconds (6 s sampling rate). Visibilities changed from ~3 miles on the moist side to ~7-10 miles on the dry side.